illustratorsagainst covid-19
The non-profit project by lisa vietze and me aims to keep kids happy and parents anxiety-free during quarantine by providing free printable sheets from illustrators around the world. contributors like frau isa, annelie carlström, nives widauer, giorgo cavazzano and anna kohlweis and all the other amazing artists really made this a very special and connecting experience.
you can learn about it all here, or print out some sheets to draw on:
illustratorsagainst covid-19
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Special thanks to designaustria for featuring us in their magazine and to kijosk at studio seis for having some print-outs for passing by kids in their shop!
here’s an interview with link.tree
about the project and a podcast with abc works.
logo by studiosprosse ︎
pictures of the designaustria magazine by lisa vietze.